We have gathered 23 Wonderful Photos and we think that you should see them, because they are really worth it. As Alfred Stieglitz once said - “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” Wise and true words. Some photos are so powerful that they can transmit us…
We’ve gathered 26 Gorgeous Photos and I’m sure that you’re anxious to see them. This our second photography article today, after we’ve unravelled another famous photographer of the 20th Century – Dorothea Lange (N.B. The first one was Robert Doisneau). Nevertheless, in one of my favourite quotes, D. Lange said “A camera is a tool…
We have gathered 25 Wonderful Photos and we think that they will make your week-end more beautiful. In my view, photography is probably the best and the cheapest relaxing therapy that one can get. In a now famous quote, Ansel Adams said that “Twelve significant photographs in one year is a significant crop.” Unfortunately, in…