Retro is trendy and cool. Nowadays, we can regard the style as a star, a sort of little brother for the far more famous minimal. Retro has been increasingly used by the package design industry in the past couple of years. The results are outstanding and most packages are of an impressive quality.
Below, you’re going…
Graphic Design
In this post we’re going to talk about one of the world’s best illustrators, Max Kostenko. Originary from Moscow, Russia, Max has built an impressive career and in just a couple of years has worked with one of the largest companies in the world.
Basically what Kostenko has done for the likes of Mercedes, Visa, Skoda,…
Usually a comprehensive and high quality list of free fonts is hard to find. Therefore, I’m sure that when you’ve searched online you either got lists that made you pay or some lists with free but poor quality free fonts.
Nevertheless, below you’re going to find not only a list with 25 free and awesome fonts…
Typography is a topic that we all love and cherish for at least 3 reasons. First of all, it’s extremely versatile and that means that you can use the inspiration that you’ll find below in a variety of projects starting with web design, posters, logo design and others.
Secondly, those that create it, often use great…
Christmas is only 5 days away, so we thought that you guys might want to see some really cool and awesome Christmas packages. Therefore, we gathered what we think are 20 of the best that you‘ll find online. Although sweets and drinks are those that usually receive a package facelift during the holidays, we managed…