We have made a selection of Awesome Bar & Lounge Interior Designs and I’m sure that you’ll find them extremely impressive. Because I did. If you’re asking how many, well they are 12 – every single one is unique and has stories waiting to be told and memories waiting to be unfolded. Therefore, that’s why no one should regard bars as places where you drink until you pass away.
Nevertheless, below you’ll have the opportunity to see some cool bar interiors coming from 8 multicultural cities: New York, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Shanghai or Mumbai. They are all simply incredible and I’m afraid that I can’t choose a winner. So, I leave you guys with my dilemma. Now enjoy, be inspired, and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
Tazmania Bar – Hong Kong
Coquine Bar – London
L’Arc Paris
Kettners – Soho, London
The New Heineken Experience – Amsterdam
Blue Frog Lounge – Mumbai
Cool Bar
The Spare Room – Hollywood
Yucca Lounge – Shanghai
Le Bar 228 – Paris
Bar Pleiades – New York
Colony -Los Angeles