In this article, we have selected 58 Cool Comic Books Covers and we think that they simply redefined awesomeness. First of all, I must say that almost all of them come from the 1990s or the 2000s and they are from 6 main series: Captain America (1996, 1998, 2004), Batman (and here we include Catwoman as well), Spider-Man, The Hulk, The Punisher and X-men (I included Wolverine here).
Tool of propaganda
Since their creation in 1934, comic books have had an important impact on children and youngsters. Besides the fun part, they fulfilled other tasks as well. For example, during WW2, the Americans used them as a tool for propaganda. Comic book heroes were sometimes shown side by side with the American soldiers or they used to fight the Nazi regime in their pages. And, of course, they’ve always won and that happened before the war ended.
The Cold War
Starting from 1946 there was a continuous ideological battle between communism and liberalism. Therefore, some comic books started to depict the high values of the American society and democracy such as liberty, justice, honesty etc. Sometimes, Russian lookalike faces appeared in those pages and they’ve always lost when fighting against those awesome American superheroes.
Will comic book survive?
In the 1990s, those who printed comic books where still making good money. Nonetheless, with the arrival of the video game consoles and the internet, less and less children were willing to spend time on reading comic books. In the 2000s, most comic books appeared in a limited edition, before or after a movie was launched. This for example, is what happened with The Hulk or Catwoman. Unfortunately, their future doesn’t seem that bright…Enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
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Captain America (2004) #4
Captain America (2004) #5
Captain America (2004) #47
Captain America (1996) #1
Robert Liefeld
Captain America (1996) #3
Robert Liefeld
Captain America (1998) #35
Dan Jurgens
Captain America (1998) #17
Andy Kubert
All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder #3
Alex Sinclair, Jim Lee
All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder #8
Alex Sinclair, Jim Lee
Batman & the Monster Men
Dave Stewart, Matt Wagner
Batman (German) #6
Batman Chronicles #18
Dale Eaglesham
Batman: Black and White #1
Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Gotham County Line #3
Scott Hampton
Gotham County Line #1
Jose Jimenez-Momediano, Scott Hampton
Gotham County Line #2
Jose Jimenez-Momediano, Scott Hampton
Batman: Gotham Knights #4
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #8
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #9
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #19
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #20
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #26
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #27
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #28
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #29
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #31
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #32
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #33
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #36
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #39
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #41
Brian Bolland
Batman: Gotham Knights #42
Part Lee
Journey Into Knight…#7
Journey Into Knight… #12
Legends of the Dark Knight #47
Legends of the Dark Knight #48
Batman: Nevermore #2
Batman: Turning Points #4
Howard Chaykin
Catwoman #1
Darwyn Cooke
Catwoman (2001) #27
Catwoman (2001) #28
Catwoman (2001) #29
Catwoman (2001) #34
Justice League of America (2006) #8
Justice League of America (2006) #10
Punisher (2004) #12
Tim Bradstreet
Hulk (2000) #19
Hulk (2008) #2
Ed McGuinness
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #43
John Romita
Astonishing Spider-Man #33
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7
Mike Wieringo
Peter Parker: Spider-Man #48
Mark Buckingham
Wolverine (2003) #25
John Romita
Wolverine (2003) #26
Richard Isanove
X-Men Mutant X #18
Wolverine Origins #7
Wolverine Origins #10