We have gathered 55 Funny & Unique Bookmarks and I’m sure that you’ll simply find them awesome. In the past couple of years, alternatives to the now classic paper books have flourished. Kindle is probably the most well-know example. Personally, I prefer the paper version, instead of the digital one. Probably it’s because of that special feeling when you skim a book. Or maybe it’s because that I always wanted a bookcase. Whatever the reason, I will certainly not by a Kindle in the near future.
Nevertheless, below, you’ll find some really great bookmarks starting with animals, history, books, bugs, famous paintings (including from Klimt, Van Gogh and Monet) and so forth. Yes, this is an extremely diverse collection aimed at all tastes. Now, enjoy, be inspired and I you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
P.S. You would probably like to see 55 Inspirational Book Cover Designs.
Wicked Witch Bookmarks by Woodland Honey
The Bedside Bookmark Adobe
The very Hungry Caterpillar Magnetic Bookmark
by that Company called IF
Lenticular London Skyline 3-D Bookmark
by that Company called IF
Animal Bookmarks
by that company called IF
Sport Pictograms Bookmark London 2012
by that company called IF
Kool Cats Bookmarks
by that company called IF
Leaf-it Bookmark Post-its by Sangwoo Nam – Appree
Gallery Collection Bookmarks
by that company called IF
Felix Jud bookmark
Propaganda Bookmark
Running Man Bookmark
Jaket and Bookmarks
by Icoeye
Hogri Bookmark
Terminix Advertisement Bookmark
Kings and Queens Bookmarks
by that company called IF
’50 Books’ Bookmark
by that company called IF
Jaket and Bookmarks
by Icoeye
Felix Jud bookmarks
Liquid Bookmark
by Kyouei Design
Historic Olympic Collection Metal Bookmark
by that company called IF
Kool Cats Bookmarks
by that company called IF
Electronic Dictionary Bookmark
by that company called IF
Pointing Finger Bookmark
Hana Fusen Note Tags