We have gathered 35 Unique Coca-Cola Bottle & Can Designs and we think that you’ll simply love the collection! However, before viewing them, I strongly recommend you the read these interesting facts.
A couple of facts
In 2011, Coca-Cola had revenues of 35 billion USD, and a stunning 11.8 billion in profits. That means that Coca-Cola is currently the 70th largest company in the world in terms of revenues (according to Forbes Fortune 500). Also, you can find Coke anywhere in the world with the exception of Cuba, North Korea, Burma, Iran and Sudan.
What’s so unique?
First of all, in this article you’ll find some extremely limited editions of Coke bottles. For instance, Coke Moschino, Alberta Ferretti and other famous names where only sold in Milan, Italy for a short period, in 2009. The profits were afterwards donated to the women from the city of Abruzzo who needed better educational access. In yet another social campaign, Coca-Cola joined forces with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in order to protect the polar bear’s habitat. And these are just only a couple of great unique bottles; alongside of course the retro superb cans that celebrated Coke’s 125th anniversary in 2011.
Now, enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
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Coca – Cola Moschino
Coca-Cola Anna Molinari
Coke Alberta Ferretti
Coca-Cola Veronica Etro
Coca-Cola Donatella Versace
Coca-Cola Missoni
“As the part of its “Tribute to Fashion” charity project, Coca Cola asked some of the best Italian designers to put their stamp on its limited edition bottle, including Moschino, Donatella Versace, Angela Missoni, Alberto Ferreti, Consuelo Castiglioni and Etro, who showcased their creations at the Milano Fashion Centre.”
Coca-Cola Mystic
Coca Cola Can Concept
Diane Von Fürstenberg for Diet Coke
“DVF and Diet Coke have come together to create this chic set of iconic bottles featuring classic DVF prints. Available only in the month of February, the set makes the perfect one-of-a-kind gift for any fashion minded collector. And in the spirit of sharing the love, 100% of proceeds will be donated to the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health.”
Coca-Cola 125th anniversary
Coca-Cola Light by Nathalie Rykiel
Student Work – Shamil Ramazanov
Diet Coke Limited Edition
Colourless Coke Can
Coke Bottles
Diet Coke The Heart Truth Promotional Packaging 2010
Coke Mika (only available at Mika’s concerts)
Coca-Cola Summer Cans
Karl Lagerfield for Light Coca Cola
Coca-Cola Holiday (2007)
Coca-Cola and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) campaign
Coca Cola Winter Olympics
Coca-Cola Light Plus
Coca Cola Gastronomic Festival of Brasilia
Coca-Cola x Daft Punk
125th anniversary
Coke Diet