We have gathered 30 Fun Vintage Toy Ads and I’m sure that you’re going to find them both amusing and interesting. The oldest ad to feature here is from 1933 and is from Lionel Trains, whereas the newest is from 1992 and it comes from Playskool. So they cover 50 years! And I’m sure that they will touch your inner child as they did to me.
Below, you’ll see the best toy ads from famous brands such as Barbie, Hot Wheels, Lego, Playskool or Star Wars. Nevertheless, some of you might remember the cool ads from Lionel Trains (the internet is simply full of toy train ads from them!) Now, enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article then please share it with you! Many thanks! Cheers!
P.S. You would probably like to see 25 Excellent Vintage Fast Food Ads, Ford as an Advertisement Legend-61 Vintage Ads or How Apple’s Marketing Revolution Began – 80 Vintage Ads.
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Hot Wheels
Playskool Tape Recorder (1992)
Monopoly (1967)
Star Wars (1983)
Big Jim (1974 – Hilarious!)
Lego (1971)
Barbie Doll (1965)
Lego (1977)
Who is Suzy Homemaker? (1966)
Lego (1970s)
Big Frankie
Lego (1970s)
Lionel Trains (1963)
Maurice Sanders Toyland (1962)
Lionel Trains (1933)
Gilbert Lab Technician Set
Playskool Clubhouse (1989)
Fisher Price (1988)
Gone With The Wind Collectable (1988)
Barbie (1970)
Dinky Toys (1970)
Playskool Guitar (1992)