We‘ve gathered 30 Cool Chips Package Designs and I’m sure that you’ll find them as awesome as we did. If you’re looking from some common and well known brands here, well you’re going to be disappointed. For instance, Lay’s is only present as a concept. And you’re going to see three or four creative chips packages that come from students willing to make a name for themselves.
Another famous brand, Doritos, is also included in this best chips package list. However, the package designed by Peter Pavlov is a concept too, and therefore you won’t see it in the stores to soon. Furthermore, you’ll see different styles, including a retro package coming from Tyrrells. Now, enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
P.S. You would probably like to see 18 Creative & Must See Package Designs and 26 Delicious Ice Cream Package Designs.
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Crackle Snackle
Doritos Concept
Peter Pavlov
Lay’s (Student Work – Tomislava Sekulić)
Tesco Tortilla
Doritos Seriously (Concept)
Late July
Moxie Sozo
Pita Chips
Kettle Cooked
Kent Barton
Darling Spuds
Kellogg’s Lite Chips
Pantone Potato Chips
Tyrrells Chips
Kettle Chips
The Creative Method
Laurel Hill
Oh Design
Chicca Chips
Walker’s Sensations
Maja Pelc