We have selected 28 Fantastic Absolut Vodka Ads and I’m sure that you’re going to truly appreciate our collection. Absolut Vodka is one of the oldest spirit brands in the world, being established in 1879. Since 1917 and until 2008 it was owned by the Swedish state, who later decided to sell it to a French group for a cashing spree of $7.31 Billion.
Although Absolut Vodka has an impressive history, it only became an international brand after 1979. Since then, it had released some really cool ads that have that ‘think out box’ hard to find in the spirits advertisement world. Nevertheless, no more talking, no it’s time to see some unique and creative stuff! Enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
P.S. You would probably like to see 36 Cool & Unique Vodka Bottle Designs and 35 Brilliant Whisky Bottle Designs.
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Absolut Bastille
Absolut Beauty
Absolut 19th
Absolut Achievement
Absolut Amsterdam
Absolut Appeal
Absolut Armonia
Absolut Fashion
Absolut: Bloody bus stop
Absolut: Twist bus stop
Absolut: Lemon Drop bus stop
Absolut Vodka: No label
Absolut: Limousine
Absolut: Dissect, Pear
Absolut Vodka: Quartet
Absolut: Taxi
Absolut: California
Absolut: Perfection
Absolut Mexico
Absolut Adventure
Absolut Vodka: Bloody base
Absolut Apres
Absolut Aspen
Absolut 110. Color
Absolut Arhangelsk (Russia)
Absolut: Brooklyn
Absolut 6.0.
Absolut Vodka: Search (click title for full view)