We have gathered 28 Cool & Inspirational Magazine Designs and I’m sure that you’ll be pleased to see so many great covers and layouts in one place. During the past 2-3 years, the print versions of various written works have continued their steady decline, and now most people prefer to read online. One of the main reasons for that is because the internet still provides us with millions of pages of news and information at a cost of a couple of burgers/month. Extremely cheap, right?
Nevertheless, that doesn’t discourage investors to finance awesome magazine covers. There is still a strong demand for graphic designers capable of producing high quality covers and layouts. Therefore, below you’ll see some of the latest trends (that means a somehow preference towards clean and minimally designed magazines). Now, enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
P.S. You would probably like to see Probably The Best 35 Time Magazine Covers after 9/11 and 47 Beautiful Magazine Cover Designs: The New Yorker in 2011.
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Obrigado Magazine
Ben Johnston
MILK Graphic Design Magazine
Raewyn Brandon
D&AD Little White Lies
Robert Baughan
TEASER magazine
Carsten Witte
Krister Lima
Yorokobu Magazine
Vicente Garcia Morillo
Designnet Magazine Cover
Youngha Park
MUST magazine
Elena Bonanomi
L.A. Les Ambassadeurs Magazine
Nicolas Zentner
JOIA Magazine
Grzegorz Domaradzki
Lados Magazine
Pablo Abad
Ben Dalrymple
Andrew Brawl
Upstreet Magazine
The Design Surgery
Bleu Magazine
Squat Design
Mauro Lorenzo
GO magazine
Art Direction: Computer Arts Projects Covers
Alan Wardle