We have gathered 15 Eye Candy Business Cards and these should stand as some top examples of how to design them. Now, yesterday I was trying to find whether or not b.c.’s are worth the money. After I carefully weighted the pro and against arguments I came to the following conclusion. Yes, they are worth every dollar, pound, euro, yen or whatever is your currency. That’s because business cards are still extremely helpful when it comes to making new ‘friends’.
Nonetheless, below you’ll find some great business cards that are made either from paper or from plastic. They are round or letterpress and they come in an impressive variety of styles. Nevertheless, enjoy, be inspired and if you will like this article, then please share it with your friends or community! Many thanks! Cheers!
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Psychic Bunny Business Card
Ploc Media
GFS Business Card
Cutting edge
Muku Studios
Solid Stuff
Ordered List
New Ice Media Business Card
NOE Interactive
Grafix Unlimited Plastic
Conan Robbins Créatif